
About Grocery Market Share China National

Kantar’s Grocery Market Share data is derived from Worldpanel’s research covering the household grocery purchasing habits of 40,000 demographically representative urban households in China for their consumption at home. All data is based on the value of items being purchased by these consumers. Kantar only supports data published in the context in which it was originally presented and does not endorse any other interpretation of the data.

Sun Art Group includes Auchan and RT-Mart; Wal-Mar Group includes Wal-Mart, Trust-mart, Sam’s Club; Vanguard Group includes Tesco, Vanguard, Ole, Huarun SG, Hongkelong; Lian Hua Group includes Century Mart, GMS, Lian Hua, Hua Lian, Quik etc. Yonghui Group includes Yonghui, Bravo YH. Wu-Mart Group includes Wu-Mart, Merry Mart. WSL Group includes Zhongbai, Zhongbai Shangcheng, Zhongbai Pingjia. SPAR Group includes Jia Rong, Jia Jia Yue, Meet All, Huaguan SPAR, Bai Xin, Jia Hui. Da Shang Group includes New Mart, Tiankelong, Qian Sheng etc.

About Grocery Market Share China North

Kantar’s Grocery Market Share data is derived from Worldpanel’s research covering the household grocery purchasing habits of 40,000 demographically representative urban households in China for their consumption at home. All data is based on the value of items being purchased by these consumers. Kantar only supports data published in the context in which it was originally presented and does not endorse any other interpretation of the data.

Sun Art Group includes Auchan and RT-Mart; Wal-Mar Group includes Wal-Mart, Trust-mart, Sam’s Club; Vanguard Group includes Tesco, Vanguard, Ole, Huarun SG, Hongkelong; Lian Hua Group includes Century Mart, GMS, Lian Hua, Hua Lian, Quik etc. Yonghui Group includes Yonghui, Bravo YH. Wu-Mart Group includes Wu-Mart, Merry Mart. WSL Group includes Zhongbai, Zhongbai Shangcheng, Zhongbai Pingjia. SPAR Group includes Jia Rong, Jia Jia Yue, Meet All, Huaguan SPAR, Bai Xin, Jia Hui. Da Shang Group includes New Mart, Tiankelong, Qian Sheng etc.

About Grocery Market Share China South

Kantar’s Grocery Market Share data is derived from Worldpanel’s research covering the household grocery purchasing habits of 40,000 demographically representative urban households in China for their consumption at home. All data is based on the value of items being purchased by these consumers. Kantar only supports data published in the context in which it was originally presented and does not endorse any other interpretation of the data.

Sun Art Group includes Auchan and RT-Mart; Wal-Mar Group includes Wal-Mart, Trust-mart, Sam’s Club; Vanguard Group includes Tesco, Vanguard, Ole, Huarun SG, Hongkelong; Lian Hua Group includes Century Mart, GMS, Lian Hua, Hua Lian, Quik etc. Yonghui Group includes Yonghui, Bravo YH. Wu-Mart Group includes Wu-Mart, Merry Mart. WSL Group includes Zhongbai, Zhongbai Shangcheng, Zhongbai Pingjia. SPAR Group includes Jia Rong, Jia Jia Yue, Meet All, Huaguan SPAR, Bai Xin, Jia Hui. Da Shang Group includes New Mart, Tiankelong, Qian Sheng etc.

About Grocery Market Share China East

Kantar’s Grocery Market Share data is derived from Worldpanel’s research covering the household grocery purchasing habits of 40,000 demographically representative urban households in China for their consumption at home. All data is based on the value of items being purchased by these consumers. Kantar only supports data published in the context in which it was originally presented and does not endorse any other interpretation of the data.

Sun Art Group includes Auchan and RT-Mart; Wal-Mar Group includes Wal-Mart, Trust-mart, Sam’s Club; Vanguard Group includes Tesco, Vanguard, Ole, Huarun SG, Hongkelong; Lian Hua Group includes Century Mart, GMS, Lian Hua, Hua Lian, Quik etc. Yonghui Group includes Yonghui, Bravo YH. Wu-Mart Group includes Wu-Mart, Merry Mart. WSL Group includes Zhongbai, Zhongbai Shangcheng, Zhongbai Pingjia. SPAR Group includes Jia Rong, Jia Jia Yue, Meet All, Huaguan SPAR, Bai Xin, Jia Hui. Da Shang Group includes New Mart, Tiankelong, Qian Sheng etc.

About Grocery Market Share China West

Kantar’s Grocery Market Share data is derived from Worldpanel’s research covering the household grocery purchasing habits of 40,000 demographically representative urban households in China for their consumption at home. All data is based on the value of items being purchased by these consumers. Kantar only supports data published in the context in which it was originally presented and does not endorse any other interpretation of the data.

Sun Art Group includes Auchan and RT-Mart; Wal-Mar Group includes Wal-Mart, Trust-mart, Sam’s Club; Vanguard Group includes Tesco, Vanguard, Ole, Huarun SG, Hongkelong; Lian Hua Group includes Century Mart, GMS, Lian Hua, Hua Lian, Quik etc. Yonghui Group includes Yonghui, Bravo YH. Wu-Mart Group includes Wu-Mart, Merry Mart. WSL Group includes Zhongbai, Zhongbai Shangcheng, Zhongbai Pingjia. SPAR Group includes Jia Rong, Jia Jia Yue, Meet All, Huaguan SPAR, Bai Xin, Jia Hui. Da Shang Group includes New Mart, Tiankelong, Qian Sheng etc.

About Grocery Market Share France

Kantar’s Grocery Market Share data is derived from Worldpanel’s research covering the household grocery purchasing habits of 20,000 demographically representative households in France for their consumption at home. All data is based on the value of items being purchased by these consumers. Kantar only supports data published in the context in which it was originally presented and does not endorse any other interpretation of the data.

About Grocery Market Share Ireland

Kantar’s Grocery Market Share data is derived from Worldpanel’s research covering the household grocery purchasing habits of 5,000 demographically representative households in Ireland. All data is based on the value of items being purchased by these consumers. Kantar only supports data published in the context in which it was originally presented and does not endorse any other interpretation of the data.

About Grocery Market Share Great Britain

Kantar’s Grocery Market Share data is derived from Worldpanel’s research covering the household grocery purchasing habits of 30,000 demographically representative households in Great Britain. All data is based on the value of items being purchased by these consumers. Kantar only supports data published in the context in which it was originally presented and does not endorse any other interpretation of the data.

About Grocery Market Share Great Taiwan

The Grocery Market Share data is derived from Kantar Worldpanel research covering the household grocery purchasing habits of 2.500 demographically representative households in Taiwan island wide for their consumption at home. All data is based on the value of items being purchased by these consumer households. Kantar Worldpanel only supports data published in the context in which it was originally presented. Kantar Worldpanel does not endorse any other interpretation of our data.

About Grocery Market Share Spain

Kantar’s Grocery Market Share data is derived from Worldpanel’s research covering the household grocery purchasing habits of 12,000 demographically representative households in Spain. All data is based on the value of items being purchased by these consumers. Kantar only supports data published in the context in which it was originally presented and does not endorse any other interpretation of the data.

About Kantar

Kantar is the world leader in consumer knowledge and insights based on continuous consumer panels. Its High Definition Inspiration(TM) approach combines market monitoring, advanced analytics and tailored market research solutions that inspire successful actions by its clients.

With over 60 years' experience, a team of 3,500, and services covering 60 countries directly or through partners, Kantar helps brands grow in fields as diverse as FMCG, impulse products, fashion, baby, telecommunications and entertainment, among many others.

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