Kantar Worldpanel -

Uncover the why behind the what

Understanding consumer drivers is essential in developing successful marketing actions. We offer you the complete picture by adding customised insights about consumers’ attitudes, needs and opinions to our vast behavioural information.

How do we do it? With PanelVoiceTarget, our questionnaire service which acts as your voice to specific, often difficult-to-reach consumer groups.

Based on your unique requirements, PanelVoiceTarget puts you in touch with your target audience and provides invaluable data for devising your strategy and marketing plans. For example, imagine being able to make better business decisions by speaking with people who:

  • Have stopped buying your brand and started buying a competitor’s
  • Are loyal buyers of your main competitor
  • Are regular buyers of your brand that’s been delisted from the retailer share
  • Are heavy consumers of your category
  • Do not buy your category

By connecting real purchasing behaviours with attitudes, needs and opinions, PanelVoiceTarget becomes your single source for obtaining a complete understanding of your consumers.

If you would like to know how a better understanding of consumer and shopper attitudes can help you connect with them, talk to us.

Get in touch

Idriss El Ganari
Regional Director, Africa & Middle East, Worldpanel Division