Kantar Worldpanel - www.kantarworldpanel.com



7th Floor, #34, Section 3
Bade Road

New Business / Press Office

Peggy Liu
New Business Development & Marketing Director


Rita Chu
HR Business Partner



Established since 1997, Kantar Taiwan is the first company in Asia 100% dedicated to inspiring the clients through consumer panel research. Utilizing the panel methodology, we are monitoring the consumer purchasing habit continuously, this empowered us to well understand the market dynamic, competition and opportunities evolved from the shopper behavior change. In Taiwan market, we are measuring purchase behavior across total FMCG for over 100 categories, specifically in areas of such as household products, foods, femcare, healthcare, dairy, beverage as well as baby foods and products, etc.

Under the highly fragmented and competitive trade environment of Taiwan market, Kantar is the only supplier available for offering comprehensive view across all channel types. No matter the modern trade (e.g. hypermarket, supermarket, National coop, CVS, PCS, department….) or the emerging channel (e.g. TV shopping, online shopping….) or even the traditional stores (e.g. direct sale, wet market, street vendor, grocery & provision store, betel nut stand…) or overseas shopping, etc. all are covered in our scope. Therefore, we are definitely the best advisor and partner for the manufacturers and retailers in developing brand and trade marketing strategies.

Our expertise and professionalism are not just thoroughly inherited from the worldwide over 40-year solid experiences and skills, but also built by the client service team’s rich knowledge about the local market. Those reassure our capabilities to offer strong insight and inspiration to the local and multinational FMCG brands in Taiwan. Our ultimate goal is to become client’s “Trusted Advisor” and we believe the only way to get there is to pay full care about client’s brand/category, build closed partner relationship with the clients and fully understand client’s marketing issues and strategy direction.

Exploring the secret of the shoppers and their basket. Understanding your competitors and business partners.

In addition to helping clients uncover the insight behind the obvious numbers from the consumer purchase panel, we also aim for continuous innovation in the platform and products. For now, we have developed an interactive platform allowing the client to capture the essential information themselves easily and quickly, then our client service team could further back up and support to diagnose the issue and find the real answers. Moreover, we have also gone beyond just behavior, and further extend to the “Shopper Attitude”, precisely explore the motivation and perception of the target shoppers, and link back with actual behavior. By such high quality combination of behavior and attitude research, we are able to offer you the most powerful solution to achieve unrivalled sharpness and clarity of insight!

Should you have the need about understanding the market and shoppers, you are very welcome to contact us. We will help to exam the issue, and recommend the most effective solution, or even tailor made a best suitable consumer panel for you!


Kantar Taiwan於1997年成立,是亞洲第一家專精於消費者指數研究的行銷顧問公司。運用消費者指數研究方法,我們長期追蹤消費者的購買行為,透徹了解並洞察消費者購物行為變化所帶來的市場動態、競爭與機會。在台灣,我們提供的品類範圍高達一百多項,包括家庭民生消費日用品與食品、女性個人用品、健康食品、飲料、寶寶日用品與食品….等。

在零售通路高度分化與競爭的台灣市場,唯有Kantar 的消費者指數研究方法能夠橫跨並綜觀所有影響銷售業績的零售通路,無論是現代通路 (如量販、超市、農會、聯社、超商、個人用品店、百貨公司) 或是新興通路 (如電視購物、網路購物…),甚至傳統通路 (直銷、傳統市場、地攤、雜貨店、五金行、檳榔攤…) 與國外購買…等,都在我們觀察的範疇內,絕對是廠商與通路商在產品行銷規劃以及通路策略結盟時最佳的顧問夥伴。



