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Connecting People to Content

Over the past ten years, few industries have experienced as transformative a period as telecommunications. Rapidly proliferating technologies, devices, and services, plus a universally increasing demand for mobile and unlimited choices, have had a radical impact.

Traditional internet service providers were once marginalised as "dumb pipes" that moved data packets from here to there. But today, those organisations connect people to devices, and homes to entertainment sources - placing them at the epicentre of the connected world.

In a new report available from Kantar Worldpanel ComTech, Product and Partnerships Director Mary-Ann Parlato explains why it is essential today for telecoms companies to:

• Deliver a best-in-class customer experience through quality connectivity
• Offer rich content - and do so in unique and innovative ways to capture more customers
• Become the hub for everything digital that the connected consumer experiences

Kantar Worldpanel ComTech research shows that the key driver of loyalty and recommendation is fast and reliable connectivity. While broadband is a utility product that elicits little emotional investment from customers, if it fails to perform adequately, dissatisfaction is triggered, and the experience becomes personal and emotionally negative for the consumer. Telecoms providers will need to ensure they deliver best-in-class connectivity and monitor this in an ongoing fashion.

Telecoms providers will become the most important consumer brands over the next five to ten years, more so than other telco players, product manufacturers, and internet startups - even surpassing today's Silicon Valley technology powerhouses.

This report also recommends that telecoms providers develop new revenue streams and products that engage customers. This could be through partnering with companies that are distinctively innovative and possess unique and outstanding associated product offerings with strong use cases, particularly in the field of content.

Broadband providers are no longer operating in just the telecoms space. They are becoming home entertainment sources, digital service providers, technology enablers, and the main gateway to the world for their customers.

Full report available through the link in the right side of this page.

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Global Strategic Insight Director, ComTech

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