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Healthier Futures ? 19 March, London



Healthier Futures ? 19 March, London

Join us at Healthier Futures on 19 March to hear from experts including Public Health England, Food and Drink Federation, Tesco, Waitrose and PepsiCo, as we explore the policies, legislations and new behaviours that surround health.  

With 82% of us trying to lead a healthy lifestyle and government intervention ramping up, it’s clear that the issue of health remains firmly on the agenda. The role of food and drink retailers, suppliers and manufacturers has never been more prominent. But what exactly is this role and how do we navigate through these new requirements and legislations? 

Healthier Futures will answer important questions surrounding health and the food and drink industry, including:  

  • What can you expect now and in the future?   
  • What are retailers doing to encourage ‘healthier’ shoppers and what do they expect from their suppliers?   
  • How Public Health England is addressing the health challenge  
  • How is one of the world’s leading food and beverage manufacturers helping consumers and shoppers to help themselves?   
  • The key to success lies in changing consumer behaviour.  Has legislation ever achieved this?   
  • How can you tap into consumer consciousness in a bid to alter engrained behaviour?   
  • How can you set clear and common metrics to understand your nutritional contribution and the best levers for change?
  • And more...
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