Kantar Worldpanel -

Early Easter boosts supermarket sales in Ireland



Supermarket sales have grown by 4.6% when compared with the same period last year ? up from growth of 3.6% last month.

Supermarket sales have grown by 4.6% when compared with the same period last year ? up from growth of 3.6% last month.

Supermarket sales have grown by 4.6% when compared with the same period last year ? up from growth of 3.6% last month.

The latest supermarket share figures from Kantar Worldpanel in Ireland, published today for the 12 weeks ending 27 March 2016, show an early Easter has boosted growth across the grocery market. Supermarket sales have grown by 4.6% when compared with the same period last year – up from growth of 3.6% last month.

David Berry, director at Kantar Worldpanel, explains: “An early Easter saw shoppers spend an extra €40 million on groceries as they prepared to celebrate with family and friends. Fresh produce sales were up by 11% compared with last year as shoppers picked up the trimmings for their Easter roasts, while crisps and snacks received a 12% boost. Sales of confectionery were up 32% as the nation stocked up on sweet treats, with 69% buying at least one chocolate egg during the Easter period.”

SuperValu has retained the top spot, cementing its lead with a slightly increased market share of 24.9% – up 0.1% year on year. Shoppers have visited the retailer more often so far this year, with the average number of trips increasing to 22 – up from 20 in 2015 – with a sales increase just ahead of the market at 5%.

David Berry continues: “Tesco posted sales growth for the fourth consecutive month as their performance continues to improve. Volume growth remains stronger than value – an increase of 2.7% compared with 1.4% – as keeping prices low continues to be a major focus for the retailer.

“Growth for Dunnes Stores continues to be driven by larger shopping trips, with spend per trolley increasing by an impressive €3 year on year. The success of the Shop and Save campaign continues, and has proved particularly effective with families, where Dunnes now captures 25.6% of the market compared with 23.9% this time last year.”

Elsewhere, Lidl continues to set the pace with the strongest sales increase in Irish grocery – 9.5%. Lidl is in the strong position of getting more consumers through its doors while also encouraging them to spend more on each visit and return more frequently. Aldi’s sales growth remains healthy, with an increase of 1.5% on last year as shoppers spend more on each visit.

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