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How will Brexit affect UK supermarkets?



How will Brexit affect UK supermarkets?

For FMCG suppliers, retailers and consumers alike, no issue is more top-of-mind than the impending Brexit deadline currently scheduled for 29 March 2019.

Across the grocery retail sector, the imminent impact upon supply chains, on-shelf availability, pricing and shopper sentiment is still largely unknown, highly dependent on the shape Britain’s final exit from the EU will take.
With this in mind, Kantar Worldpanel and Kantar Consulting have joined forces to produce a comprehensive analysis of how Brexit might affect the UK grocery industry and shoppers. Using Kantar Consulting’s expert analysis combined with the behavioural insights of Kantar Worldpanel, our whitepaper explores the different measures retailers and suppliers are taking to prepare for Brexit.

Discussing the implications of Brexit on the UK grocery sector, report authors Fraser McKevitt, Head of Retail and Consumer at Kantar Worldpanel, and Ray Gaul, Senior Vice President of Research and Analytics at Kantar Consulting, commented:

“The decision to leave the EU has affected consumers in different ways, but it’s apparent that ongoing uncertainty is already having a definite impact on purchasing trends and behaviours. From a supplier’s perspective, there is little doubt amongst retailers, producers and farmers that Brexit will result in a significant disruption to the UK’s food supply, including unharvested produce and empty supermarket shelves.”

For more details about the report, and to understand how Kantar Worldpanel can help you better understand the Brexit scenarios please get in touch through the link on the right.

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Fraser McKevitt

Head of Retail and Consumer Insight


+44 208 967 0007

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Fraser McKevitt

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