Webinar: COVID-19 impact on Indonesian behaviour
Learn what changes brands and marketers need to make to account for changing consumer behaviour in Indonesia
It is a highly uncertain time for both consumers and brands as the COVID-19 outbreak has already forced significant behavioural changes. When was the last time 75% of Indonesians spent most of their time at home? What would these unprecedent changes lead to? How will behaviours change over the next few months? What would be the underlying anxieties & attitudinal changes?fdJoin our experts: Nadya Ardianti, Adisti Bramanti, Plaban Mohanty, Karthik Narayan, and Adji Saputro, as they share COVID-19 impact to Indonesia market and how brands should react:
- Learning from China (as the first market affected by COVID-19 and come out of it), and what similarity and difference we can expect in Indonesia
- How are Indonesians feeling? What differentiates them from other neighbouring countries?
- How are we shopping now and how is it likely to change?
- How brands should react
- What signals about brands should we be monitoring even closely now?
- What tone & manner would be appropriate for your advertising now?
- What types of innovation should brands be looking at?
- Should I cut media spend? and more.
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Corina Fajriyani
- Send a messageCorina Fajriyani
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