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Winning Omnichannel Asia 2021 - Module 1



Winning Omnichannel Asia 2021 - Module 1

Module 1 – The Future of FMCG and Retail

Almost a year and a half into the pandemic and whilst we observe certain countries opening up, in most countries we continue to battle one of the fiercest wave of Covid-19. This recent surge in cases has led a move back into the in-home economy for many countries across Asia and despite the effort to ramp up vaccination, mobility restriction is expected to last between 6-12 months.

Shopper behavior will continue to change and knowing how shoppers are adapting and evolving will continue to be important as we navigate through these unprecedented times. Both manufacturers and retailers cannot emphasize further the importance of the need to make shopper-based data decisions to understand what shopper want.

In this 1st module (over a series of 3 modules) we have sought key industry views from across both key manufacturers and retailers as well as looked at how shoppers are now evolving across both eCommerce and Brick & Mortar to give us insight into the evolving omnichannel landscape.

The question remains, how will the future look for eCommerce and Brick and Mortar as mobility restrictions continue and when the pandemic eases?

Join us to embark on this journey to unlock key opportunities and pockets of growth via this Omnichannel Asia series.

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Corina Fajriyani

Senior Marketing Manager


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Corina Fajriyani

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