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Shopper Digest: Why Being TOM Matters



Shopper Digest: Why Being TOM Matters

In this article, TOM refers to "Top of Mind," not the cat from Tom & Jerry. Being top of mind for shoppers is a crucial factor in dominating a category and distinguishing between market challengers and leaders. This is especially significant in today's volatile market, where shoppers are shifting categories faster than ever. For a brand to succeed, it is essential that shoppers consider it first when entering a new category. Here’s an example of how impactful being TOM can be:

Consider the case study for Category X, which includes two major brands and several smaller ones. Brand A consistently dominates the category with an impressive volume share of over 70%. Brand A maintains its dominance by consistently staying top of mind for shoppers. Simply put, when shoppers enter this category, Brand A is their first choice.

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Evidence from an NLR analysis reveals that over 50% of new shoppers select Brand A whenever they enter the category, allowing Brand A to maintain its leading position.

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So, how can a brand achieve and maintain a TOM position with consumers? Success depends on several factors:

  1. Clear and effective communication from the brand to shoppers.
  2. Championing the right SKUs.
  3. Implementing the right promotions and marketing activities.
  4. Having a strong presence in the appropriate channels.

While these recommendations are easier said than done, Kantar Worldpanel offers valuable insights. We can identify shopping behaviours across various demographics, such as Ethnicity, Family Life Stages, Household Income, and more.

By understanding (1) the right shopper profiles for the category, brands can develop effective business plans, ensuring every investment is strategically allocated. 

And (2) the right message and positioning, where we can identify what the shoppers’ needs are and what triggers them to buy the category (as well as your brand) – helping you to stay connected and sustain a top-of-mind position with shoppers, growing and dominating the market.

Get in touch

Jia Jian Ang
Business Development Manager - Kantar, Worldpanel Division Malaysia

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