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Shopper Digest: Do Limited Edition Buyers Stick Around



Shopper Digest: Do Limited Edition Buyers Stick Around

Launching a limited-edition product in the FMCG industry is a clever way to boost sales and generate excitement by offering the product for a limited time or in restricted quantities. This approach creates a sense of urgency and scarcity, encouraging consumers to act quickly to avoid missing out. Seasonal or event-based limited editions, which align with holidays or special occasions, not only boost sales but also create memorable experiences for consumers, strengthening their connection with the brand. Additionally, limited editions allow brands to test new ideas and gather feedback before deciding to launch them more widely, reducing costs. Overall, limited editions help FMCG brands stand out in a competitive market, differentiate their offerings, and maintain consumer interest through a combination of exclusivity and innovation.

When evaluating the success of a limited-edition campaign, it's essential to look beyond mere sales figures and assess whether buyers remain engaged with the brand afterwards. Relying solely on sales data can overlook deeper insights into long-term loyalty. For example, a Kantar Worldpanel study highlights this by examining buyer behaviour from various perspectives, revealing how such campaigns impact sustained brand engagement. 

Consider a brand that launched a limited-edition product and initially celebrated high sales. However, concerns about long-term success arose, particularly around whether these buyers would continue their relationship with the brand. The study found that while the campaign drove significant sales, those who bought both limited edition (LTE) and dual (LTE and Core) products demonstrated greater loyalty compared to buyers of only core products. This suggests that the true measure of success lies in ongoing customer engagement and loyalty, which was notably stronger among those who experienced the brand’s exclusive offerings.

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The success of a limited-edition campaign should be measured by long-term customer loyalty, not just immediate sales figures. Exclusive products often foster greater brand loyalty compared to core offerings. Comprehensive studies provide deeper insights into how campaigns influence ongoing engagement, emphasising that true success comes from sustaining customer interest beyond short-term sales spikes.

Kantar Worldpanel Peninsular Malaysia has recently expanded its coverage to 4,000 panellists, offering a level of accuracy higher than ever before. Our tool enables you to analyse shopper behaviour not only for your brand but also for your competitors. You can break down data by ethnic groups, income levels, regions, and other dimensions to ensure you're effectively targeting the right consumers as intended.  

Furthermore, our Analytics solution offers a variety of studies to gain a deeper understanding of shopper behaviour by analysing their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This provides rich, nuanced data that uncovers the underlying reasons and motivations behind their behaviours and attitudes.

Source: P6’24 database, Worldpanel Division, Kantar Malaysia

Get in touch

Ting Lip Yik
Research Executive - Kantar, Worldpanel Division Malaysia

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