12 Trends That Will Shape Consumer Behavior in PH
As the COVID-19 pandemic influences the complexity of overall consumer behavior and mobility, Kantar, the world?s leading data, insights, and consulting company, identified 12 trends that will impact how consumers navigate the new normal in shopping this 2021. ?
?The world continues to experience volatility and uncertainty due to the health crisis, and it is therefore, difficult to predict Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) expenditures,? said Marie-Anne Lezoraine, General Manager of the Worldpanel Division of Kantar Philippines. ?The nature of our quarantine restrictions and our confidence in enjoying any mobility drastically changes our behavior as consumers and shoppers,? she added.
Lezoraine added that the fundamentals of brand growth will remain the same in 2021 in that attracting the largest number of consumers and shoppers will remain key. However, achieving this will depend on any FMCG company?s ability to evolve with the times and the emergence of new consumer needs resulting from a stay-at-home lifestyle.?
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