Consumer Connection 2014
21/10/2014, Makati Shangri-la Hotel
We are happy to invite you to our 2014 Consumer Connection.
We are in the middle of a fast-paced, dynamic and evolving FMCG market, with consumers being more discerning, more connected and technology savvy.
Filipino shopping and retail demand remain strong with the aggressive expansion happening for modern trade which has expanded to areas outside of NCR and via smaller formats. Even the media landscape has changed dramatically extending to digital platforms. At the same time, the economy has shown robust growth while consumer spending remains resilient.
This means that as marketers, we need to anticipate consumers’ shifting and fast evolving needs. Presence of fierce competition among local and global brands and pivoting of retail landscape towards modern trade demonstrates that there are indeed opportunities and challenges within the FMCG market, our brands, and our channels.
Kantar Worldpanel is hosting a half day conference to provide you with the insights to be ready with these developments.