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Beauty Pulse: Demographic Trends in Thailand



Beauty Pulse: Demographic Trends in Thailand

The shopper shaping the market, decoded.

In Thailand, great change is leading to great opportunity for personal care and beauty brands. Our new series of six short reports will help you spot where growth potential lies, by understanding the trends influencing consumers’ behaviour and choices.

In this second report, we look at demographics: 

  • the age groups driving growth in the sector
  • their priorities and characteristics, and
  • how shoppers from different generations are purchasing beauty products.

The silver generation is using its high disposable income to buy more beauty and personal care products, from more categories. Despite their engagement with the sector, they’re currently under-served by brands. 

Millennials are the main driving force behind growth in the beauty market, and will remain so – but their lifestyles are constantly evolving. This group expects technology to play a leading role in all aspects of the brand experience.

Gen Z are already influencing beauty sector trends, but brands and retailers know relatively little about them. They have strong values, which are very distinct from other age groups.  

Understanding these three key demographic segments will help you know how to connect with them today, and spot the needs they will have tomorrow.


Get in touch

Chivanon Piyaphitakskul
Senior Marketing Manager - Kantar, Worldpanel Division Thailand & Malaysia

About Beauty Panel


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