Decoding wellness - how mental and physical health needs are re-shaping habits around the world.
Planet, profit, and perception. The new truths of today's eco-conscious consumers.
05/09/2023 - Global
Global Omnichannel Report 2023: Inflated expectations – the FMCG mirage unmasked
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Our latest omnichannel report navigates the tides of FMCG change.
Based on Kantar Worldpanel's consumer panel across 11 diverse markets, the report provides insights and analysis on key trends and highlights.
Inflation presents huge challenges, but brands need to be aware that shoppers, categories and markets are responding differently to rising price pressure.
10/11/2022 - Global
Dining out at home - how meal delivery is transforming Foodservice
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The way we relate to restaurants has changed significantly following the pandemic, and today, over 50% of Foodservice occasions don’t take place on-premise.
12/07/2022 - Global
Winning Omnichannel - Our annual guide to the global FMCG landscape
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The take-home FMCG industry's growth slowed between 2020 and 2021, while ecommerce grows its share of the global FMCG market.
The annual Asia Brand Footprint reveals how consumers across Asia are buying FMCG brands today, highlighting the opportunities that remain for the market.
The Beauty sector may have been down during the pandemic – but the rebound is happening, and there are now new opportunities for manufacturers.
13/05/2022 - Asia
Anticipating Inflation in Asia in 2022 & Beyond
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Understanding how shoppers react to inflation will help in making brand decisions. The paper revealed different shopper behaviors across FMCG categories.
凱度消費者指數研究方式於亞洲涵蓋:台灣/中國/南韓/印尼/馬來西亞/泰國/菲律賓/越南等,Asia FMCG亞洲民生消費市場報告從宏觀角度出發,主題包含當地市場成長率、各地區比較、主要品類表現、與通路動態等,此份報告為定期季度更新。
凱度消費者指數研究方式於亞洲涵蓋:台灣/中國/南韓/印尼/馬來西亞/泰國/菲律賓/越南等,Asia FMCG亞洲民生消費市場報告從宏觀角度出發,主題包含當地市場成長率、各地區比較、主要品類表現、與通路動態等,此份報告為定期季度更新。
25/11/2021 - Asia
Winning Omnichannel Asia - Module 2 - Riding the Waves of eCommerce
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Knowing how shoppers are evolving continue to be important as we navigate through unprecedented times 1. overview 2. eCommerce 3. Brick & Mortar
25/11/2021 - Asia
Winning Omnichannel Asia - Module 3 - The Future of Brick and Mortar
下載Winning Omnichannel Asia - Module 3 - The Future of Brick and Mortar
Knowing how shoppers are evolving continue to be important as we navigate through unprecedented times 1. overview 2. eCommerce 3. Brick & Mortar
整體民生快消品市場2021第二季對比去年同期4.7%成長,其中自五月份台灣開始受到疫情影響導致外食餐飲消費銳減,在民眾減少外出、居家辦公情況下,包裝食飲品類成長表現強勁 (+6.6%),用品類成長表現亦由負轉正。
凱度消費者指數研究方式於亞洲涵蓋:台灣/中國/南韓/印尼/馬來西亞/泰國/菲律賓/越南等,Asia FMCG亞洲民生消費市場報告從宏觀角度出發,主題包含當地市場成長率、各地區比較、主要品類表現、與通路動態等,此份報告為定期季度更新。
09/09/2021 - Asia
Winning Omnichannel Asia - Module 1 - The Future of FMCG and Retail
下載Winning Omnichannel Asia - Module 1 - The Future of FMCG and Retail
Knowing how shoppers are evolving continue to be important as we navigate through unprecedented times 1. overview 2. eCommerce 3. Brick & Mortar
凱度消費者指數研究方式於亞洲涵蓋:台灣/中國/南韓/印尼/馬來西亞/泰國/菲律賓/越南等,Asia FMCG亞洲民生消費市場報告從宏觀角度出發,主題包含當地市場成長率、各地區比較、主要品類表現、與通路動態等,此份報告為定期季度更新。
凱度消費者指數研究方式於亞洲涵蓋:台灣/中國/南韓/印尼/馬來西亞/泰國/菲律賓/越南等,Asia FMCG亞洲民生消費市場報告從宏觀角度出發,主題包含當地市場成長率、各地區比較、主要品類表現、與通路動態等,此份報告為定期季度更新。
08/03/2021 - Global
10 slides to make you think - Global version
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10 slides to make you think about COVID 19 and its impact on purchasing and consumption in 2020 and beyond
08/03/2021 - Asia
10 slides to make you think - Asia version
下載10 slides to make you think - Asia version
Total Asia 9 markets: The two fastest growing brands in the region are proven killers of the COVID-19 virus with snacking brands also made it to the top
08/03/2021 - Taiwan
10 slides to make you think - Taiwan version
下載10 slides to make you think - Taiwan version
In Taiwan, see recovery leading by shopping frequency and basket drives in 2020H2.
根據凱度最新的亞洲消費者洞察報告,齋戒月期間快速消費品的銷售業績使印尼的銷售額大幅上升,而馬來西亞的銷售額則略有下降。 今年第二季,亞洲整體快速消費品市場銷量成長了4.8% 。
氣候變化、塑膠污染和水污染是全球消費者普遍最關注的可持續性問題。其中,西歐的消費者最為關注氣候變化問題。 東歐和亞洲的消費者最為關注塑膠污染問題。 而拉丁美洲消費者最為關注水污染問題。
GDP從17Q3以來都維持著3%以上的成長,2018下半年連續兩季衰退,第四季破2%來到近兩年的低點。 第四季全球經濟趨緩,中美貿易造成的經濟不確定因素、台灣九合一選舉、以及股市第四季成交值減少15%,對於2019年的經濟預估仍趨保守。